Thursday, September 18, 2008

CERN: Nature mimics the LHC, just LHC differ from nature

We all know about CERN's Large Hadron Collider's safety report, and their line "Nature has already generated on Earth as many collisions as about a million LHC experiments – and the planet still exists," which sounds better if nature mimics the LHC "The Universe as a whole conducts more than 10 million LHC-like experiments per second," and not the other way around since CERN states the LHC collisions differ from nature. Don't believe me? Well continue reading, and give nature props for doing a heck of a job mimicking the LHC! Woo-hoo!

First, like stated above, cosmic rays have performed millions of LHC's on Earth, and we're still here. Amazing, isn't it. To put CERN's statement simply, the universe, nature, mimics protons in the LHC speeding towards each other at close to light speed till they collide. And what about the LHC? Well the LHC can't mimic nature so CERN states on their website "Collisions at the LHC differ from cosmic-ray collisions with astronomical bodies like the Earth," and if you been keeping up with the news, they're 100% right about everything! So, to reiterate what CERN stated above in plain English, the LHC can't mimic nature, but for some strange reason, nature mimics the LHC all the time. Go figure.

So to all you doomsayers, we're all safe when nature mimics the LHC, just not the other way around. Alright!


  1. Holy shit! You blew CERN right out of the water!

    How can they state nature mimics the LHC with the universe statement, but turn around and say the LHC can't mimic nature since it differs?

    Brian must be sharing his drugs.

  2. C.W. you're my hero!

  3. WTF? This CERN believer is now scared our of their mind!

  4. If this isn't mad, then I don't know what is. Hopefully the media picks up on this, but I'm afraid they'll drop the ball like they did with Iraq.

  5. And CERN is calling other people crazy? WTF is wrong with them?! Someone better put a stop to this experiment like yesterday!

  6. Yep! They sure contradicted themselves, but on the same page? Can't believe these idiots are allowed to run this machine.

  7. I can't believe this statement from CERN's site "Those produced (micro black holes) by cosmic rays would pass harmlessly through the Earth into space, whereas those produced by the LHC could remain on Earth. However, there are much larger and denser astronomical bodies than the Earth in the Universe. Black holes produced in cosmic-ray collisions with bodies such as neutron stars and white dwarf stars would be brought to rest. The continued existence of such dense bodies, as well as the Earth, rules out the possibility of the LHC producing any dangerous black holes."

    So first they state all over the news that micro black holes will safely evaporate, then turn around and state stable black holes from the LHC might hang around, you know, maybe for a beer or two, because they're not dangerous? These people are freakin' physco!

    Wikipedia - A black hole is a theoretical region of space in which the gravitational field is so powerful that nothing, not even electromagnetic radiation (e.g. visible light), can escape its pull after having fallen past its event horizon.

    Once a black hole has formed, it can continue to grow by absorbing additional matter. Any black hole will continually absorb interstellar dust from its direct surroundings and omnipresent cosmic background radiation, but neither of these processes should significantly affect the mass of a stellar black hole. More significant contributions can occur when the black hole formed in a binary star system. After formation the black hole can then leech significant amounts of matter from its companion.

    Much larger contributions can be obtained when a black hole merges with other stars or compact objects. The supermassive black holes suspected in the center of most galaxies are expected to have formed from the coagulation of many smaller objects. The process has also been proposed as the origin of some intermediate-mass black holes.

  8. Isn't it interesting how CERN sheep are not countering C.W's post. I wonder why? :)

  9. most likely it is because nobody gives a fuck about what C.W. (who?) says

  10. Anonymouse, are you having a bad day? Sorry to hear your toy broke.
